5 Steps to a Healthy Work-Life Balance (From Someone Who’s Done It)

#3 will surprise you, #5 will probably annoy you (but it works)

Andy Taylor
9 min readSep 26, 2022
Photo by David Garrison: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-a-man-2128819/

I used to smirk when anyone mentioned work-life balance. If both sides of that equation are causing you stress, then does it matter how you balance them?

When you work all hours, come home already stressed, then find (and create) more angst in your personal life, it can feel as if there is no escape.

But if — after a LOT of change in your life — you, as I have, start to experience what a proper, healthy work-life balance feels like… then you can believe in this life-affirming truth:

It is possible to not live in a constant state of stress.

Even better, it’s perfectly achievable to feel contented in your life, yet still be striving and thriving (not just surviving).

The following 5 steps may not be what you expect. Some of them may frustrate or puzzle you.

All I can say is that in the past 4 years I have moved from generally stressed to generally contented and these have been the steps I have taken.

Step 1 — Stop

