Member-only story
Here’s One Thing I Wish Medium Would Dump Right Away
Unexplained rejection on a whim deserves no credit
Have you ever been through that soul-crushing, toe-curling, on bended-knee “Yes sir, No sir, three bags full sir” exercise in disappointment, frustration and general waste-of-time-ness that is…
…submitting to a big publication?
And, as often happens, they reject your perfectly good piece. And, as always happpens, there is no meaningful or useful feedback, just a cut-and-paste block of text, reminding you of their submission guidelines.
That, on its own, is annoying enough.
But what takes the absolute biscuit (whatever an “absolute biscuit” is, I’d like to try one) is the little message they feel they have the right to put at the end of your article when you decide to self-publish.
“Thanks to The Startup” (or whichever other publication you submit to).
Er, thanks for what exactly?
Thanks for rejecting the article and giving no meaningful feedback?
Thanks for all the brilliant little edits and changes you made to improve the article? (There weren’t any).