If This Has Been Your Worst Work Day Ever, You Need To Hear These 3 Things

Andy Taylor
8 min readSep 7, 2020
A monkey howls in frustration
Photo by Asa Rodger on Unsplash

You want to jack it all in. You’re under appreciated, over-worked and going nowhere.

Meanwhile others less experienced, less hard-working, less good seem to be flying.

I’ve been there. It’s not fun.

Take a breath, open your eyes wide and try to escape the tunnel vision. There is hope.

Tomorrow is the day after your worst work day ever. It is a new day.

It can be a better day, and gradually your work life can improve more than you think. Just hear these 3 things: unhook, adjust and project.

You Can Unhook

A lady joyfully releases a lantern to float off into the night sky
Photo by Robert Metz on Unsplash

At the moment, all the negative work thoughts are buzzing around your head. So try to get your head some place else.

In his book ‘The Confidence Gap’, Dr Russ Harris talks about acknowledging and then actively un-hooking yourself from negative thoughts.

You have to do some self-talk. It can feel a bit strange at first, but this technique has worked for me. It could go something like this:

“Oh here you are ‘Anger’…

