Member-only story
Money Stresses Are Real
Don’t judge others who are struggling to make ends meet
There’s a well-worn radio phone-in that goes a bit like this:
“Is it getting harder to make ends meet?” says the radio host, setting up the topic.
Caller 1 — struggling — “Yes, I am having to choose between heating and eating, I need to use food banks.”
Caller 2 — usually older, usually no money worries, so not struggling — “In my day we made do. No mobile phones or cable TV or fancy cars on credit. These people who say they are struggling are just lazy. Try budgeting! Try home cooking!”
Then a large argument ensues. Callers line up to take one view or the other. It gets more heated. Time flies.
The radio host probably sits in a meeting with their bosses afterwards congratulating themselves on how entertaining it all was.
But it’s sad.
Here’s the truth that exchanges like this expose:
You don’t know what it’s like to live someone else’s life. If you haven’t ever had any money worries — not really — then you are in no position to judge people who do have those issues.
I have never had to worry about a roof over my head, or clothes for my kids, or paying the heating bill, or…