Member-only story
Most of Your Stories Will Do Absolutely Nothing
And this reveals a core truth of the nature of being a writer
There’s a story on “the homepage” of Medium (except it’s not the homepage is it? It’s my homepage — such is the way Mr Al Go-Rithm likes to toy with all of us whilst rubbing his hands and cackling maniacally).
Anyway, I digress.
This story on my homepage, caught my attention (I’d love to link to it, but, annoyingly Mr Al has ripped it from my feed now that I’ve read it, sorry). It was about someone not being accepted into the Medium Partner Program, despite meeting all the criteria.
It’s a solid, short article. It tells a story. There’s a load of comments from people trying to help. It hasn’t changed my world.
So why did I read it?
I really don’t know. Because it was there, I guess, top of my feed for some reason. And also because it did pique my interest — as someone who has been in the Partner Program for 18 months now, I’m intrigued to know why people are still so keen to join.
But the whole experience led me to reflect on the nature of this platform and what it’s like to write on it.
The person who wrote that article would never have expected it to get as many views as it has. It’s…