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Portugal Shows The Way In Addressing Work-Life Balance
But the bankers aren’t having it
Working in a big company sucks. There, I’ve said it. I’ve only come to realise just how bad it is now I’ve had the perspective of a year of being a stay-at-home Dad, then running my own company (of one, it’s just me) for 2 years.
Here’s how it works in most big companies: Senior management think they work incredibly hard, but in fact all they really do is have meetings, take phone calls and socialise.
Oh, but the stress! Oh but the pressure of leadership! (they will cry). I’m sorry, I’m having none of it.
Yes, there are decisions to make, but you have a whole company’s worth of people to ask for insights (not that they ever go too far below their mates in the boardroom) and a lot of people do the real work for you.
- Write a presentation? There’s an employee for that
- Develop the five year strategy? There’s an employee for that
- Tell you what you’re supposed to say in the next meeting? There’s an employee for that
As for the pressure? The six figure salary (or way more) ought to help with that. Plus the fact that everyone in the business has to do what you say, which effectively means you can just push the s**t downhill.