Member-only story
Rules Of The Schoolyard Operate At Every Level
Lead and others follow, for better or worse
“Let’s go throw a stone at the science block window” says the big kid everyone is scared of. “Yeah” says his sidekick. Three others are not sure and say nothing. Two other kids think it’s an awful idea but don’t want to be the next target for a stone, so tag along. A whole load of other kids are oblivious, but jealous they don’t get to hang with the “cool kids”.
It’s playing out in every boardroom, office, and Zoom meeting in the world.
Real Madrid and Barcelona persuade 6 English soccer teams to join them in a preposterous ‘Super League’.
The good news is, leadership can be good as well as bad. I applaud Manchester City and Chelsea for having the guts to withdraw — the other 4 English teams soon followed.