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Three Ways Big Publications Could Improve
And what I learnt from running a tiny one myself
Big publications are suggested as a key part of your Medium writing dream, but unfortunately they can be a roadblock to creativity and consistency. They characterize themselves as careful gatekeepers, but examining their feeds seems to reveal that, in some cases, they prioritize big-name writers at the expense of new voices.
My perception of what it must be like to be a big publication editor changed once I became one myself (not of a big publication though, a tiny one). More of that later. For now, here are some positive suggestions of how big publications could improve the experience for writers.
Reduce Wait Times For Responses
Momentum is crucial in writing on Medium. “Get into a writing habit” is a feature of multiple “How To Make It On Medium” courses of both the paid-for and free variety.
Getting into a publishing habit is where the real progress lies though. Of course, no-one amongst us mere Medium mortals knows how the dreaded / beautiful / intriguing (delete as appropriate) algorithm works, but it’s fair to say that publishing as often and as regularly as you can, can’t be a bad thing.