In life you are never standing still, you’re either moving backwards or forwards.
You’re never more aware of this than when trying to lose weight. If you’re weighing yourself regularly (which I don’t recommend, more on that later) the numbers will stare you in the face.
The number goes up, you’re disappointed. The number goes down, you’re happy.
But momentum, recognised and harnessed properly, is about far more than numbers. It’s about feeling that you are progressing, and that makes it more likely that you will continue to do so.
To understand momentum, it’s time to turn our attention to the biggest factor in weight loss — mindset.
You Lose Weight Between The Ears
We only do anything because we choose to. Yes, some choices feel as if they are out of our hands (like when we reach, zombie-like, for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th biscuits out of the tin) but really, we get to decide.
Most people who are overweight are there because of past choices. Choices made about what to eat and drink, and, crucially why to eat and drink.
I’ve been overweight most of my adult life, usually a little, sometimes a lot. Many times I’ve felt very envious of people for whom choices about food and drink just aren’t…